"Grafted In" Star of David Women's Bracelet - Made with Jerusalem Soil and Nazareth Olive Wood


The "Grafted In" Star of David Women's Bracelet is a graceful accessory for any woman who loves the Land where Yeshua (Jesus) walked. Inspired by Romans 11, this bracelet artfully symbolizes the unity of Believers from the Nations being grafted into the rich root of the olive tree of Israel.

Centered inside the stainless steel Star of David icon is soil from the City of the Great King — Jerusalem.

The olive wood beads, vibrant in color and infused with Biblical history, are pruned from the ancient groves of Nazareth and smoothly polished.

The bracelet is bound with a long-lasting, stretchable band.

Wherever you are in the world, let the "Grafted In” Star of David Bracelet serve as your daily connection to the Land, people and Messiah of Israel.

P.S. — This is an original, handcrafted I AM ISRAEL product which you won't find anywhere but here!

Inspired by Paul's words to the Nations: "You — a wild olive — were grafted in among them (Israel) and have become equal sharers in the rich root of the olive tree." — Romans 11:17

CHF 25.00
Bracelet Details


Stainless steel pendant

Soil from Jerusalem

Olive wood beads from Nazareth

Elastic rubber cord (Powercord)

Exclusive Design by I AM ISRAEL